Nostalgic memories of Chilham's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 8 Memories

I moved to Chilham in 1960 from Weybridge in Surrey when my parents bought Chilham Filling Station which was next door to Mr.& Mrs Brunger, the local ladder maker. I remember walking up the high street on many occasions to get shopping for my mum from the grocers shop in the square and the butchers in Taylor's hill. The move for me was a bit of a culture shock moving from a large urbanised area to a very ...see more
If my memory serves me correctly, the house here used to be one of the village shops. I used to live to the left of the picture at The Paddock. The Star Pub was almost opposite the village shop. Happy days.
My family used to live in a flat above a cobblers. I can remember using an old pram as a go-cart to ride down the high street. Those were the days. Ha Ha.
I remember singing in church choir and getting paid for it - the princely sum of 6 pence a week. We used to play in the church yard, climbing trees was a favourite pastime.
The Rev Lawson caught three of us smoking in the graveyard here, he then said he would tell my dad unless we all swept up the leaves around the main church door, which we all did. My dad was the local copper then, and a clout round the ear I would have got!!
Many a beer here I have downed, served by the landlady who was then locally known as Brandy Lil, I can't imagine why though?
No I'm not joking, when we first got married we lived in a flat in Chilham Castle which was at the time above the Battle of Britain museum at the rear of the castle, yes it was cold there in the winter. We were allowed to walk around the lakes and gardens, whenever we wished.  My father was the local village policeman, PC Bill Bishop. who managed to persuade a certain Lord Mazzerin to rent it out to us.  Mice, yes, ...see more
1st white house on left was the 2nd post office where I had to go every morning to collect and deliver all the Chilham newspapers around the village for the grand sum of £2 per week. Post master then was a Ken Parker, I had to finish by 8am to catch Herbi Arnold's school bus to get to Chartham Secondary School.