Nostalgic memories of Broadstairs's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 88 in total

I was at Fairfield house about 1963 i was five I remember mrs fisher.and I remember.that in the summer we used to have an afternoon sleep in the garden.I had such a wonderful time there .I remember we used to go to the beach and eat our lunch there sandwiches.and in the mornings school time .I would love to have a picture or photo of Fairfield house been looking on line and can’t find one .I remember the bedside ...see more
I. am pretty sure this is the same place I was sent to with Chronic Asthma, when I was two until I was Six years old. It was called St.Marys and was run by an order of nuns. I remember having to have daily sun ray treatments daily, and were in dormatories. There was a massive big room where we had to lay on very thin type flat mattresses from 1.00 pm till 2pm for our afternoon ...see more
Jack Daly and, Jock Sommerville, taught me to play badminton on a Saturday morning at St. Lo, and later on in an evening, I joined Phoenix Badminton club at St. Lo.
Miss Brook head,miss coyne deputy Both down the lodge,behind lodge was field kept ponies & donkeys. Trampoline was great! Fete of stalls & crazy wobble bikes, basement was a disco, old piano too. Smoking in shrubbery behind shed by incinerator, jumping back wall to town & my number was (32 ). 1973》76. Teresa D.
I was at Fairfield House Broadstairs boarding school early 60’s. I remember Mrs Ansell. Lovely lady. Mary Kennedy, Wendy Giles, Diane, Jasmine Raybold. We had a visit from Lady Mountbatten. I stayed up late in the conservatory to finish a petticoat I was sewing. We had to have sewing to show. I ran away a few times to see the horses in the passageway on the way to church. I remember the route ...see more
I was at Fairfield, late 70s, miss Brooke,was head & she would bounce up drive with tress her Labrador every morning while we were at breakfast,miss coyne became deputy head,& her dogs poppy & berry & that VW She drove.. Miss ray was nurse & miss Andrews was my house mother,Trampoline over looking shrubbery & cooking lessons in the Annette, princess Anne opened the gym,,walk tickets smoking in shrubbery jumping the back wall. Trips to joss bay etc. Teresa Deane
I worked in The Metropolitan Convalescent home for children for 2 years from 1951 to 1953 I have many Happy memories here I wonder if any one else remembers this, we spent many hours on the beach and the children coming from London District, a lot of them had neve seen the beach before so thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I have a Very strong memory of a really bad storm one night with dustbins and other ...see more
My family moved to Broadstairs in 1965 when I was nine years old. I left at the age of 23 years after getting married. I have so many memories but one I cannot ratify and would love to know if anyone can confirm it for me. I have a memory of a replica viking ship being displayed for a time on top of the building at the end of the jetty but can find no evidence of it. My sister remembers this also - can anyone help solve our mystery? Julia Godden (nee Woodley)
Hi I have just read the article "memories of St. Peter's and Broadstairs" by Ronald Taylor, written in 2012. His memories of his childhood in St Peter's could have been mine, I remember everything he mentions including my brothers making go karts to go down Joss Bay hill. I, like his family still live here but sadly while some of it has not changed there are a lot more houses and a lot less open ...see more
My ancestor's sister Mrs Jane Heather nee Mummery, was a widowed servant aged 29 when in 1861 she worked for this Surgeon and GP with his wife Jane and 4 children who lived in Chandos Place Broadstairs. In 1847 the novelist Charles Dickens made Broadstairs his headquarters from the early summer to the end of October , at , it is believed , either No. 1 or No. 6 , Chandos Place .